Rack-Mammut® Rack End Single Rail Barrier Protection of buildings, machines, shelves against the impacts of light handling equipment.
Rack-Mammut® Rack End Double Rail Barrier Protection of buildings, machines, shelves against the impact of heavy handling equipment.
Rack-Mammut® Single Bumper Barrier Barrier that protects buildings from light handling equipment and separates traffic aisles from pedestrian aisles.
Rack-Mammut® Double Bumper Barrier Barrier that protects buildings from heavy handling equipment, and separates traffic aisles from pedestrian aisles.
Rack-Mammut® Pedestrian Handrail Barrier Physical separation of traffic areas for material handling equipment and pedestrian walkways.
Rack-Mammut® Single Bumper Pedestrian Barrier Barrier that protects pedestrian traffic areas, areas of very heavy traffic of light handling equipment.
Rack-Mammut® Double Bumper Pedestrian Barrier Barrier that protects pedestrian traffic areas, from areas of very intense traffic of heavy handling equipment.
Rack-Mammut® Bollard The Rack-Mammut® Bollard is a solution for marking and securing danger zones in indoor and indoor and outdoor areas.
Rack-Mammut® Floor Rail Barrier Flex The Floor Rail Barrier effectively absorbs impacts from any forklift traffic, thereby preventing damage to racking systems